CUSA FCU Shares Positive Sharetec Velocity Conversion Experience
By Sharetec
December 16, 2024
A core conversion means a lot of things – new capabilities, modernized technology, improved member satisfaction – but it’s an extremely nerve-racking change for every credit union. There is mostly excitement and positive anticipation, but there is also the need to prepare for potential hiccups and challenges. New to Sharetec Velocity as of 2023, CUSA Federal Credit Union (FCU) shares their positive Velocity conversion experience, as well as the caring support they received when faced with minor obstacles.
About Sharetec
Sharetec is a cutting-edge technology company providing the latest in core processing software. Sharetec’s robust, yet easy-to-use, web-based core includes everything needed to run credit union operations and create an effective digital experience for members.