Who Should Participate in Business Continuity Testing Exercises? A Guide to Engaging the Right Teams

By Agility Recovery
December 18, 2024
This guide provides credit unions with a structured approach to assembling the right teams for critical preparedness exercises. It outlines specific business continuity drills and identifies the key participants from IT, operations, leadership, and other departments. By clearly defining roles, the guide helps credit unions ensure that their teams understand and rehearse responses to disruptions, safeguarding essential operations and maintaining member trust during unforeseen events.
About Agility Recovery
Through its business continuity management platform, called Agility Central, Agility works to reduce the impact of business interruptions on credit unions and the communities they serve. They help businesses be prepared before, during, and after an incident happens. After decades of helping businesses recover from real disasters and streamline emergency preparedness and incident response, they bring the collective experiences of thousands of hours in the field.