Ashish Garg
Ashish Garg is Founder and CEO of Eltropy. Ashish lives by three mottos, which he has implemented across his company: A commitment to perfection, fearlessness about telling the truth, and transparency in and out. Following his MBA from the Wharton School and a MSEE from UC Santa Barbara, Ashish started in high-tech. Here he witnessed the ever-changing landscape that is technology, fascinated by its constant evolution. From this curiosity came Eltropy, with the ambition to apply the latest communication technologies to enterprise processes in order to increase efficiency and engagement across the credit union and community banking industry.

As our physical and digital worlds collide, what is your credit union’s “Phygital” (physical + digital) strategy?
Most CUs agree that strengthening relationships with their members through both in-branch and digital conversations is not only important but increasingly vital to the success of any credit union. In the process, seamless experiences that transition smoothly between the physical and digital worlds are key.
In this session, Ashish Garg, Founder and CEO of Eltropy, will provide an overview of how a credit union can roll out an effective digital and in-branch communications strategy, including having a baseline of communications technologies like Text, Video Banking, Secure Chat and voice.
Attendees will learn:
- What a “Phygital” strategy means for a credit union
- How in-branch and digital conversations can be used seamlessly
- Why each method of communication is important at different times
Having a “Phygital” strategy is increasingly paramount to the success of any community bank or credit union. Building such a platform in a systematic, secure and compliant way will ensure that members receive a personalized, seamless experience, wherever they are – in-branch, on their phone or on any device
Being able to effectively collect money from your members is, obviously, pivotal to your credit union’s financial health – especially with a looming recession and delinquencies expected to rise.
The problem: Most members dislike collections calls (to put it lightly). In fact, only 1 in 100 collections phone calls get answered. However, when receiving a Text about collections, a whopping 40 in 100 members respond. Texting then, in collections, is 40X more effective than calling! It’s a no-brainer.
Members who otherwise feel embarrassed to talk on the phone for collections tend to be much more willing to communicate by Text. Texting lowers the barrier to entry into a conversation. “Our members will almost never pick up their calls,” says the head of one credit union, “but they’ll pour their hearts out on Text.”
In this session, Ashish Garg, Founder and CEO of Eltropy, will demonstrate how using a compliant, secure Text messaging solution for collections can be part of a complete, effective digital and in-branch communications strategy.
Attendees will learn:
- How Text messaging replaces ineffective phone calls in Collections
- What the laws are in the Collections world surrounding Texting, and how credit unions can comply with those laws to keep it legal
- Text messaging best practices around one-to-one and one-to-many Texting
- How can you integrate Text messaging into your collections systems like (Tenemos?), Akuvo, etc.
Is your credit union constantly warding off would-be fraudsters? To some extent most credit unions and community banks are – leading to multi-factor authentication (MFA) or its predecessor two-factor authentication (2FA) quickly becoming the standard method for fighting fraud. Using modern, secure authentication tools will ensure your members that they can not only access their accounts, but also know who is reaching out to them.
Whether you’re running a call center or are looking to integrate with your core banking system, Ashish Garg, Founder and CEO of Eltropy, will demonstrate in this session how savvy credit unions are blending commonly used technologies into the strength of multi-factor authentication tools, giving members peace of mind while also creating an effective, digital and in-branch communications strategy for credit unions and community banks.
Attendees will learn:
- Why the rise in fraud is alarming for community banks and credit unions
- Why phone calls and Texting are now strongly preferred over email as a mode of multi-factor authentication (MFA)
- How you can easily authenticate your members’ identity using Text-based MFA
- Examples of call center agents preventing fraud when texting mobile phone callers
An unpredictable job landscape and widespread staffing shortages are testing the entire financial industry, including credit unions. To combat the lack of available workers, in-branch video banking capabilities are being adopted in unprecedented numbers – empowering hundreds more credit unions to maximize their resources and serve members anytime, anywhere, in their channel of choice.
Eltropy Founder and CEO Ashish Garg offers 3 tips for credit unions during these testy times: Be smart about hiring, prepare to do more with less, and utilize technology such as video banking like there’s no tomorrow.
In this session, he’ll explain how progressive credit unions – such as Spokane Teachers Credit Union who formerly had a tight geographic area but are now expanding – are still opening new branches thanks to the utilization of video banking as part of a strategic digital and in-branch communications strategy to service more members in-branch.
Attendees will learn:
- The impact the widespread staffing shortage is having on the financial services industry
- The factors have led to the historic rise of video banking
- How it works in-branch when you walk in the door and explain your needs
- How video banking fits into a broader, effective in-branch and digital communications strategy